A Little Bit of Capoeira in Meyene

April 26, 2017  •  4 Comments


So you might know that Macaco and I are in Cameroon for a few months. We've returned to a project at which I've already spent a fair amount of time. It's called the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Centre, and it provides sanctuary for chimpanzees rescued from the bushmeat trade. While here, we'll not only be working with the chimps, but also with the organization's education outreach program. We're both pretty excited about this, because we now have an opportunity to combine two of our passions: conservation education and capoeira.


About a decade ago, the project helped to build a school for kids of a nearby community called Meyene. Until that time, the closest school had been about thirty kilometres away down a horribly bumpy and deeply rutted road that becomes near impossible to traverse during the rainy season. We've been working with Sanaga-Yong's education officer, Alfred, to devise a program that combines capoeira with an environmental education curriculum. Last week, we had our first session with the kids, and shared some of the elements of capoeira -- the history, the movements, and a few songs.


Below are some of the photos and a video from our morning in Meyene. If, like us, you believe that conservation endeavors must be symbiotic with the communities who reside within the ecosystem in which you are working, then I hope you'll be happy to see these photos.







Curt Peterson(non-registered)
Wow! This is an awesome mix of passions! Those chimps and children are so fortunate to have you two in their midst for a few months! Enjoy every moment, as I am confident you are!
Claudine Erlandson(non-registered)
C'est merveilleux! Yes, it's wonderful!
Great work! I love the video❤️
Peta Kaplan(non-registered)
Fabulous worthy endeavour!
Love the video!!
And the always tuneful African voices.
Yeah Macacao and Monica!!
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